የነፃ መለያዎን ያግብሩ!

የእኛ ፊልም እና ቪዲዮ ቤተ-መጽሐፍት ሊለቀቅ ወይም ሊወርድ የሚችለው በአባላት ብቻ ነው

በነፃ ለመመልከት ይቀጥሉ ➞

ለመመዝገብ ከዚያ 1 ደቂቃ ያነሰ ጊዜ ይወስዳል ከዚያም ያልተገደበ ፊልሞችን እና የቴሌቪዥን ርዕሶችን መደሰት ይችላሉ ፡፡

00:00:00 / 02:10:00
የሚገኙ ቅርጸቶች Sen Çal Kapımı አስተማማኝ የተቃኘ : 04/19/2024 ይመልከቱ ኤችዲ አውርድ ኤችዲ
Sen Çal Kapımı

Sen Çal Kapımı

Eda, who ties all her hopes to her education, confronts Serkan Bolat, who cuts off her international education scholarship and leaves her with high school diploma. Serkan Bolat offers Eda to give her scholarship back if she pretends to be his fiance for two months. Although Eda rejects the offer of this man as she hates him, she has to accept it when the conditions change. While pretending to be engaged, Serkan and Eda begin to experience a passionate, challenging relationship that will make them forget all they know right. Because love is difficult. And that's why it's amazing.



የስራ ጊዜ: 130:14 ደቂቃዎች

ጥራት: HD

የመጀመሪያ የአየር ቀን: Jul 08, 2020

ያለፈው የአየር ቀን: Sep 08, 2021

ክፍል: 52 ክፍል

ወቅት: 2 ወቅት

IMDb: 2.797

Drama Comedy

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