ታዋቂ ከ ሀገር Soviet Union

Fuse 1962
The Unknown War 1978
KVN 1961
Investigation Held by ZnaToKi 1971
Nu, pogodi! 1969
Naval Cadets, Charge! 1988
Seventeen Moments of Spring 1973
Mozalan 1971
The Life of Klim Samgin 1988
In Search of Captain Grant 1985
Battle for Moscow 1985
What? Where? When? 1975
Vivat, Naval Cadets! 1994
The Life and Death of Ferdinand Luce 1977
The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed 1979
Adventures of Captain Vrungel 1976
Long Road in the Dunes 1982
The Shield and the Sword 1968
Soldiers of Freedom 1977